11th November
Okay I'm free now after two days of busyness XD
Today I'm going to post the trip to Bukit Bendera on 9/11/2012, about 4.45 PM.
This trip should be the fourth-stop for my plan to tour around Penang.
Well, I'm so happy because my 二舅 and his family came to Penang that Friday.
They are from Kuantan ;)
So, just don't say non-stop, take a look to the photos I snapped.
The poster at the counter.
This is the ticket, only RM 4.00. But if you want to buy the ticket, you need to bring along your IC. This is one of my travelling tips: Bring IC anywhere when you're travelling.
The station at the hill's foot.
That's me at the station ;)
Well, let me take a talk about the cable car.
The cable car is new (you should know), and air-conditioned, relax too.
The cable car not only goes up with the tires but also with the the rope to pull it up.
But I feel great with the designer designed the car slanting but still can stand firm.
OK as you can see the mirror is blur because is the time of sunset so there are mists on the hill.
That's all I want to talk about the cable car and other thing.
Please continue...
This is the cable car's controlling monitor.
I think this is the old railway line, but it straighten. |
Ha! The old cable car left at here to let people to take photos.
This is the half station, and in front of it is another cable car. |
We past through the another one XDD
The top of the hill, 712 m high.
As I said, the scenery is blur not my camera problem.
Still can see something, but no sunlight :(
Another one...
Here's located David Brown's Restaurant.
A nature-touching trip :D
I'm at the middle of the intersection of roads.
Let's have a break ;)
Ais Kacang, we also had Kiwi Ice and a fruit drink.
Nice flower :)
Let this be my ever first nature-touching trip.
The cable car to go down, 6.30 PM.
Way to go down.
Well, what can I say.
When I goes up, I can feel my ears blurry.
And the inclination make me a little bit can't stand firm.
So, I grab the pillar.
But I can't believe that goes down even scarier than goes up. @.@
The pathway to the foot of the hill, the entrance.
Goodbye Penang Hill. You give me a nature-touching trip :)
OK guys tomorrow I'm going to work at my uncle's kopitiam so I not gonna blog about my 堂哥 wedding again. Sorry about that.
My other friends also start their part-time work too.
So everyone GAMBATEH lah!!!!