9th December
The gathering at 7/12/2012, can be considered half fail.
Okay, this is an epic story of a group of friends which had a gathering at Queensbay Mall, I'll be the narrator and the starring are some 6B students 2010 in SJK(C) Shang Wu.
Around 9 AM, I reached my cousin's house, Ee Sheng, the host.
I met his three friends, Jun Yuan, Ming Xuan and Xin Yue.
Around 9.45 AM, the journey starts, planned to take breakfast (not include me because I had it already) but scared miss the bus, canceled...
Walk to the bus-stand in front of CLPHS (Chung Ling Private High School) and wait for the bus, code 306.
Around 10.10 AM, the bus reached and the ticket-fee is RM2.
Okay no need to say more during the way to Queensbay, that's not important, except stop for a lot of stands.
Around 10.45 AM we reached QB and walked to Popular to meet another three friends, Wei Siang, Jia Yu and Teng Hooi.
Well some of them haven't take their breakfast so we walked to McD to take breakfast.
We wait for the girls until 12 PM also can't seen them.
LOL the most frustrated moment is when someone 放飞机啊啊啊!!!
So as I said, some girls can't go, left four girls, which is a little bit not normal.
HAHA! That's why I said half fail.
Okay the girls have their lunch in McD and the boys go to book at Neway to karaoke. Suddenly the girls change their mind and they say want to watch movie!!!!!
Oh Em Gee that's is the most WALAO moment.
So canceled the booking and bought tickets to watch "Life Of Pi", that's okay.
Not all ppl go to watch movie but 10 ppl, 6 boys (include me) and 4 girls, and the other wan I dunno liao lor.
And I think, is this a wonderful gathering?? Do things separately...
Okay okay pass these questions, er hem and some of ppl go to eat Pizza Hut (include me) and other one I dunno liao lor...
But it's okay cuz' everyone gather at the cinema together.
Hehe the movie is really nice especially the amazing shoots and arts, and I can see animals, but mostly the TIGER.
But I can't watch the movie quietly becuz' I sat beside the girls and if there's a really beautiful scene, they were like this:
“哇!很美咯!” for many many times!!!!!!
And the time which is the tiger hop out , of cuz' everyone will scream a bit becuz' dunno what will happen, but wth the girls scare another scene like this and thet are like this:
“walao 我不敢看咯!等下那个老虎又再跳出来!吓死人!”
LOL can't you all control ur emotion??
Okay the movie ended around 4.45 PM and we walked out the mall to the sea front.
Well it's quite comfortable as we can enjoy the breeze and look for some couples love and also see the aeroplanes fly through above us...
You know that's much enjoy.
Okay some friends already back home.
Left me, Ee Sheng, Ming Xuan and Jun Yuan.
We walked into the mall and my cousin and me had Chatime, which is my latest favourite all time :D
Why we still haven't back home yet? Becuz' Jun Yuan his sister will take us home but we wait until 7.30 PM, becuz' traffic jam!!!
Reached home about 8.30 PM and had a not-so-nice dinner.
I think this gathering quite a bit fail, but I can't say anymore.
Expenditure for that day:
Bus ticket -- RM2
Movie -- RM12
Pizza -- RM20 (Total is RM95.80, everyone (5 ppl) pay around RM20)
Chatime -- RM5.90
Ice Cream -- RM1.50
Total = RM41.40
Hopefully I brought RM60 or I will pokai!!!
Okay that's the end of the story.
Bye :)