Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Trip TO Kuala Lumpur AND Malacca (PART 1)

29th December

I promised I will talk about the trip to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca, the trip was separated into 3 parts. But sorry about that there's a problem when I tried to upload the photos to the blog, I can talk for the whole trip based in my memory. The trip started from 24th October 2008 until 27 October 2008.

24th October 2008, I with my mom joined the trip to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca which was organised by the church's administrators. We started the journey from 11PM and we maybe reached Kuala Lumpur by 7.00 AM. I slept in the bus, for the first time!!! Although it is comfortable, but the air conditional and the cold air of the night trapped surround the bus was too cold and I must covered my body with blanket and towel, how crazy of that!!!

I woke up at about 5.30 AM to go to the toilet. Everyone was woke up and also went to the toilet. I knew, Kuala Lumpur is at here anywhere and we will reach our first destination. The air was too cold and I quickly hopped up into the bus and took a small nap until reaching the destination.

Absolutely, about 7.00 AM, we reach Kuala Lumpur. I also woke up and felt great. The bus stopped at a coffee shop to have our breakfast. I ate wan tan mee, the price is expensive, RM4.00!!! We must payed by ourself. After the breakfast, we went to Thean Hou Temple(天后宫) , a huge temple just like Kek Lok Si in Penang. We snapped a lot of photos, most of them are the fake structure of the 12 Chinese zodiacs. My zodiac is the ox.

Next, we went to Cocoa Boutique, I already talked about this shop at the last few chapters, to see the post, click here. After we visit the Cocoa Boutique, we went to Suria KLCC. A biggest shopping complex in Kuala Lumpur or even the whole Malaysia. We did not go shopping but we went to there for some interesting place, just like the Petrosains Exhibition. We tried a lot of fun and fascinating Science experiments. The technologies of the Science are become wider towards the whole global. The journey inside the exhibition took about 6 hours!!! That's quarter of a day. To save our time, we shortcut our time into 2 hours, we went out the exhibition about 12.30 PM, then we went for lunch. Before lunch, we never forgot to snap some photos in front of the Petronas Twin Towers.

After lunch, we went to a museum in Kuala Lumpur, sorry about that I forgot the name of the museum but I knew the museum displayed a lot of war weapons, tanks and ships. It's must be about the Malaysia soldiers fight for the World War II. We were so tired for the journey, we went to a hotel for a clean bath. We took a nap. About 6.00 PM, we went to a restaurant, specially serving spicy foods. I was ate the foods hardly because the foods are too spicy for me. I hate spicy foods!!!

About 8.00 PM, we went to the room where the church's administrators stay to pray. Until 10.00 PM,we went back to our room and slept.

I stop at here, the first day jouney was stopped until here. Next day we went to Malacca, I will talk about that at the next part.

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