Sunday, April 17, 2011

Each Friend, One View Point, Two Questions, Three Times (PART 4)

17th April

"Sir!!! I 'm doing my research now!!!" I called my Sir with my phone.

"OK!!! Send it to me at Straits Quay Research Centre tomorrow !!!" said by Sir Researcher.


You are a another kind of active boy, too!!! Why 2TA5 got so many people are active in sports?? Maybe God decreed it to in same class. Whatever, you like to play basketball and football but you play the football the most. I think you learn it before and the affection of the FIFA World Cup might made you love on playing football. But you can play it smoothly and done a lot goals. Well, I think you are the one who is popular in the school, maybe.

1) You will show-up in the class competition, right??
2) If there is no football such kind of game, will have today of you??


Your name quite special, with two common English words "see" and "say". "See" is your surname and "Say" is your middle name, right?? These could be the arrangement of your parents and the affection of Chinese name. Maybe, your parent want to "see" first, then "say" out full with self-confidence, and yet, that could be your goal set by your parents.

1) Do you realize that name is special??
2) Can you make a thing better with your knowledges??


Cute!!! When I saw you in school, because you sat beside of Jared, or right-corner of me. But, you bullied by Wei Jie, nowadays. Chasing, throwing the papers, shoot rubber bands to each other. Haihh... Don't know you are cute for some times or fierce, mad with people some times. You know that's complicated, complexed!!!

1) What is your original manner??
2) How do you get in 2TA5??


You always play jokes, too!!! And, always say out something that may let us expected the unexpected things!!! Don't know whether is your favourite doing this or what kind of characteristics and manners effected you. However, you are quite a various type of boy as you will speak out cold jokes to make us laugh, I think that would be your advantage.

1) Actually, what is your hobby??
2) Can you done something that we will give you some praises??


You are a quite of silent boy because I can't see you talk with others. But I think you will do it by next time. You also can talk to me because I can interact with everyone in the class. I can talk with you much more as possible as we can. Well, I think you must speak out more than usual so that you will make more friends in the society, even in the universe!!!

1) If you are a good-chatting people, you think you can speak out more than other people??
2) Chatting, is a good habit??


You are another kind of silent boy and a little bit shy. But, you must be more brave than others, if can, than me too!!! I want you to show out that you are not weak but you must evidencing yourself is not as timid as a mouse. Try harder, improve yourself talking with others so that everyone looks up you.

1) Can you talk to me??
2) Will you speak out louder full with self-confidence??


You are so intelligent and talented in our class because your result is shocking and too good, for my view point. But, I think you face another strong competitor, Ben Choong, right?? Well, I know he got first place in the class, and the most shocking of his result is, he got second place in the whole standard!!! Will you believe it?? It shocked me!!! But, I knew you already tried your best in the exam, so I think you will try harder for the second exam. Gambateh!!!

1) What is your secret of getting good results??
2) Can you choose a choice: AIR and WATER. Choose AIR, which does not contain WATER?; Choose WATER, which does not contain AIR? Describe your choice briefly.


You are as same as Glenn Lye, a metamorphic boy, too!!! Always do something very alike se* in class. Don't you ashame yourself when you do that?? I can't stand anymore when I saw that you know!!! That's too... Ai... I also don't know how to scold you. Whatever, you already changed now, and class become quite silent a bit. Let the class as silent as possible, to to our best, 2TA5 is the best!!!

1) Why you can do that in class??
2) What thing already effected you to do that things??


You were same primary school with me but different class. But what happened is, we were arranged in the same class this year!!! I think is affinity. Apart from that, I can say that you are totally good in Maths, right?? I am as same as you because Maths, too!!! But, when I face class tests, you always won me. I knew, my standard is not as same as you, but we two like Maths, don't you realize that??

1) Are you like Maths very much??
2) Do you realize that we are at the same road??


OK!!! You are quite special now. I will ask you about 5 questions. You are a English master anyway but don't protest me, OK!?!?!?!? At last, you won in English. Haihh... Why I'm bad in English and jeer yourself your English is suck!?!?!?! It irritating me!!! Quite a lot of people speak English in class, maybe you are the effector!?!?!?! OK!!! I changed, ask you about 10 questions. Are you ready??

1) What is English?? Describe it briefly.
2) Can you explain what is the meaning of Antidisestablishmentarianism??
3) Am I an "English-Insulator"??
4) Can you describe what is the meaning of floccinoccinihilipilification??
5) Explain the meaning of Honorificabilitudinitas??
6) Just a joke, always 5 questions!!! XD

I sleep in a hotel after done the research. Next morning, I will go to the Straits Quay Research Centre.

The next morning...

I head back to Straits Quay Research Centre and pass up my report to Sir Researcher.

"WELL DONE!!! You manage to complete this project in three days!!! Your tasks are completed!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been rewarded "The Best Friends Researcher"!!!

That's all for the title. Do you agree with my view points??


1 comment:

  1. (1) English is a language, dude!
    (2) Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th-century Britain in opposition to proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England, in opposition to proposals for the Anglican Church’s status as the state church of England, Ireland and Wales.
    (3) No you aren’t.
    (4) Floccinaucinihilipilification is a part of Latin language, so if you wanna know more, go ask a Latin or maybe Shakira. Lol.
    (5) I dunno Honorificabilitudinitas but I know honorificabilitudinity. It’s the Latin word for honour.

    (6) Lol. Add some more and I’m gonna slaughter you. Lol. Jk.
    By the way the meanings for:
    ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid
