28th May
28th May
I'm so tired today but I try to finish my post today, about the Sports Day, at 6th May, after the Teacher's Day Party. I think it is not too late to update this post as I can remember the Sports Day, still.
Here are some snapped by my friends which I copied from him in Facebook XD. Caption will also given to describe each picture.

What a good day!!! This is front "face" of my school. NICE!!!

This is main venue for Sports Day --- Field.
Can you see the tents there?? That would be the rest station for students.

Everyone squatted, sat on the cement pathway.

This is the opposite of the tents, tents to tents!!!

WOW!!! Medals, trophies placed on the table.

This is the gymnastic presentation.
Every year, when Sports Day, our school will have some presentations.

WOW!!! Caught it in TIME!!!

After the presentations, time for preparing for the competition.


The first time snapped scoreboard.

The second time snapped scoreboard.

Oh!! Could you see the grey sky??
But the wind so good blow off them, so it still remain sunny...

Prize-giving ceremony...

The interesting and the last event --- TUG OF WAR!!!

Marching... Band marching...

Sorry about that I don't know how to say about this marching team (middle).

Everyone turns LEFT!!!

Scout marching...

Police Cadets marching...

The last photo... THAT'S ALL!!!
Well, actually, my friend seemed lost to snap some photos of the first time of marching. Just now, there are only band, police cadets, scout and others marched for the closing ceremony. For the opening ceremony, there would be a lot of groups marched on the field.
Well, I think you know which one is the champion, of course, THE BLUE TEAM!!!
But for the whole event, it was FASCINATING!!!
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