6th June
6th June
The world is busy and relax, but busy is more than relax. How could it be, if we want more relax than busy?? Or just stand in front of a diverged road, one to BUSY, one to RELAX?? This might be the conflict if world to being busy or being relax.
BUSY is:
B= Bees
U= Usually
S= Sacrifice
Y= Yearns
You know that the adverb "as busy as bees", right?? So, Bees Usually Sacrifice Yearns, meaning that bees want to be busy everyday and sacrifice their yearns to play or just "stay" at home.
A= Abandoned
X= Xylophone
Rest is just like lying on the bed, roll and roll don't do anything. Just like an abandoned xylophone. No one call up you, you will never make a sound, because xylophone need a stick to beat it so that it can make sounds.
So, do you want BUSY or RELAX?? Make your choice in your mind, because your decision will lead you to another road, changes of decision maybe help you to choose the right way. Although it is just like a conflict, but you must know, we are human, we can THINK!
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