Wednesday, December 31, 2014


31st December
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Hello it's the last day of 2014.
Yup this is chapter 365 of 365 for the book named "My 2014".

Conclude this year, 2014 is a year which full of events and happenings.
Well, you could see that actually this is the year of graduation to all 97s, so it's not weird to see lots of farewell parties held in everywhere.
Besides that this is the year to prepare the examination which decides our future.
And after that tons of trips to here to there also made the holidays full.

Lots of people done the same thing, so as me. Although there're too much tragedies happened this year, but through these tragedies we learnt to love our family and friends even more.
Soon let's hope 2015 is a year where more good news come along and we just shake the bad news off.
"Shake it off! Shake it off!" XD

Btw today I still have another event.
Well it is a dinner gathering at the church, the same church as I went for the camp.
But let me reiterate again this is just for gathering with the friends and not for other things.
So, I hope that this dinner would make a good end for 2014.

Besides that, I still haven't find a proper job yet.
Not becuz' I dun wan to find, just becuz' I want to find the nearest one.
Moreover the chance of getting a job maybe smaller cuz' early birds will get the chance first.
And now I can't even do that as December had too much events to join.
So well, 顺其自然吧!Sure there would be a place for you to show your ability.
Salary is not the main point but working experience is even more important.
Em... Hope I could make it better la.

So anything to say anymore?
As it's the last chapter of 2014, so I hope that new hopes will be began like I'm going to restart again.
Start from zero, and become hero one day.
Hope I could make it.

Alright, 明年见!Bye Bye!

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