Sunday, January 11, 2015


11th January

OMG tomorrow is the day to back to school!!!
Haven't prepare anything yet!!!

But... WAIT!!! What should I exclaim for?
Oh, no no no, it's not the time for me to back to school LOL
Haha btw being a graduated student really miss those schooldays, which you could meet old and new friends again, keep talking about your holidays like that.
Somehow everything already passed, but those memories still keep in my heart.

Em... It's clearly shows that I made so much mistakes and some wrong decisions before, no matter in friendship or kokurikulum.
But now that shouldn't be regret anymore, and what to do is to hear others' advices, change yourself and try to redeem something lost.

So this new year, I'm still trying to find a new job as well, but gonna forget about my laptop first haha XD
I think I could manage it, do something more interesting, or... have a plan to be different?
Haha not sure it could be success or not, but I think I have the confidence to do it!
Hope that when the day to take my SPM results, I wish my friends could see something different on me, obvious or not, all depend on my hard works.

For those all students who will be going to school tomorrow, greet to your old and new friends, say "Hi!" to them, "por" your new teachers XD
Good luck and happy schooling day! =)


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