Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Week of AGMs

24th June

Again it's been a week I didn't blog lol.
Probably no events for the past few days but for this week there're tons of events lol.
This week is the week of interviews and AGMs, and finally the most important event -- THE FOOD FAIR!!!!!

Btw yesterday just participated STEM program, where all participants are divided into groups and followed 2 demos by lecturers from UK and USA top universities!!!
Wow can't believed that my decision to participate this program was right, I really enjoyed the program.
As I was arranged into the group for IT Program, I learnt the basic of programming and network & connection, really fun haha!

Today is the UBK (Unit Bimbingan Kaunselling) AGM.
Before that there's should be an interview lah, not sure what was I thinking that time, no experience for doing high-post suddenly want do vice president, you think ppl will choose you meh?
At last I didn't given any post lo, somehow it was "tragic" for me becuz' I really wish to be one of the AJK, but in another way it could be a relief since no need to be busy for several events in future.

Tomorrow is the biggest AGM for Sixth-Form Club, PA Club and The Waves.
GG I think I have no hope dy haha, cuz' I done the same thing as UBK Interview, I interviewed for vice president post of PA Club.
But at least no high post must give a chance for me to be AJK, abo I come to this school for what?

Omg I wish there's a hope for me tomorrow... >.<
Tomorrow please be kind to me... Please...

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