10th September
I supposed to keep updating anything relevant but the thing is next month it would be the trial exam for the sem 1 of STPM!!!
OMG can't believe that it would so fast and now it's September and I still dunno whether I could rmb everything I studied even I had done frequent revisions.
Yalah of cuz' now the subjects had cut down to 4, other than MUET, Phy, Chem, PA and MM needed to be revised time to time since now all teachers are rushing the syllabus.
Well, fyi, there are 11 chapters for Phy, 9 chapters for Chem, 6 chapters for MM and 8 chapters for PA, while MUET consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Erhem obviously Phy took the longest time to teach cuz' the whole sem 1 is all talking about mechanics, which mostly about forces and thermodynamics, damn really hard like hell, all are very new concepts.
For Chem, actually there are 6 chapters but siao siao that chapter 6 separated into 4 different parts talking about equilibria, so that's why I concluded there are 9 chapters in total. For Sem 1, what I think is that we learnt atomic structures, rate of reaction and chemical equilibria.
For MM, since I like MM so I think it wouldn't be a problem for me, just need to know what is the concept and take the fastest way to solve the problems. In case, we learnt algebra and geometry for this sem.
For PA, quite a new subject, this sem we studied kenegaraan, all are about governmental management for the top to bottom. Something like sejarah but in a modern way. Still the same, you can't actually memorize them but need to understand them.
For MUET, it is more practically than theoretically, but my English so bad I don't think I can get Band 4 lol, I think I need to retake xP
Now, here's a problem, the time usage for the examination!!!
It's really a BIG BIG BIG PROBLEM!!! For PA, you are given 2 hours to answer 15 objective ques, 4 structure ques and 2 out of 3 essays! WTH somemore 2 essays, write until hand pain...
For Phy, Chem and MM, are 1.5 hours, damn there are many ques, too. Class test before, it's really a big problem.
Like, you need to think what is the concept quickly and write them out without resting T.T
The main reason why STPM is very hard...
Anyway, it's time to be serious, so this blog needed to be on hiatus lah.
Probably I would back for blogging after trial, hope it would be okay lo, 尽力就好.
Blog Name, "My Life..."
Subject, "Stop Blogging For A Moment"
Date, "11/09/2015 until 16/10/2015"
Date, "11/09/2015 until 16/10/2015"
Time, "38 Days"
Outdated on 10/09/2014 9:17 PM
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