Wednesday, October 21, 2015


21st October

Almost all results are out, and now I found something that I never seen before, yup much more then.
Well, being an A-class student for a long time, honestly by that time I wouldn't know how will be the condition if the grade is not emphasised for positioning the class.

So seriously, I dun care about that, cuz' everyone actually restarts everything, so as me.
Well, you couldn't make such a quick judgement that you are top student then you sure be number one. 
No, not at all, sometimes I really really miss out the performances and understanding of others. Much of them are well-practised, just a little bit "short-circuited" during exam only.
It seems like I'm happier to be in B-classes or C-classes. More accurately, I have B-class/C-class behaviours.

Erhem, that's not the main point. Btw, I've seen "duck's egg" during this exam, like omg can't imagine this could be happened!
The next thing is the distant results between two, and the downgrade of results.
This could be seen clearly for Maths and PA, where Maths I got the highest, yet not really high, still get B+ gok, and then the second highest, is like a canyon far from me lol...
PA is nearly same, but the distance is not too far, still can acceptable...

Oh dear, this doesn't looks like a good thing though... I think this sem 1 would be a very hard time for most of us...
Well then, bye!

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