Sunday, December 18, 2016

Throwback #1

18th December

Alright, so very unfortunately I did not post anything since 2nd December and after back from Taiwan, there are pretty lots of stuffs to talk about.
Yet, I'm still not recovered from my tiredness and somehow I got a little cough, maybe can't deal with the change of weather.
But anyway, I will try to complete at least 4 posts in this week about the F4 gathering, Taiwan trip and CLHS prom night 2016.

First of all, in this post I will throwback to 3rd December for the F4 gathering.
Yupe for sure it is quite hard to gather all of us now for some reasons, as I'm quite pity for fat jia kai to pm everyone one by one to ask whether can attend or not.
Ya fyi if this event posted in group most of us would seen or do not want seen cuz' can't take any decision for granted. 
Anyway still have to thanks for my friends who "ran" through markets to buy the steamboat and BBQ foods, and also thanks fat jia kai's parents for helping us to set up too.
Well I went there by carpooling with Kar Oon as we went to town area to buy souvenirs for the students' exchange program before going to fat jia kai's house for the gathering.
Anyway, I went to Taiwan while Kar Oon went to Shanghai for the program.
We were not that late to reach there but somehow they had finished barbecuing the food, so we did not have to wait haha XD

I actually took an ice-cooler-ful of jelly (as suggested by my mom) so that there are desserts to have after having those food with 热气, and luckily the cooler is emptied, and some jelly that haven't finished are brought back home from my friends.
Well, not only eating, we also had fun by playing pool! Ya there's a pool table just about 10 metres away from the BBQ yard for entertainment.
As fat jia kai is the resident of the apartment he can use it anytime but have to apply from the administrator of the apartment.
The first time to play pool, I was like... okay, I'm so bad at this highly-technique game, but quite a new experience too.
We eat and have fun until around 12am, and left some of us to clean off everything, and I reached home around 12.20am, but pretty sure this is not the latest time to back home lol.

So, here are the pictures we have, all credits to Hao Kai:

From left to right:
Top: fat Jia Kai, Sean Yeow, Victor, Yi Heng, Jeck Le, Yin Hong, Nicholas, Siau Sing, Euvern
Bottom: Jenny, Cin Ni, Xing Ying, Pearlyn, Bryan, me, Kar Oon
(Yupe Pearlyn dyed her hair pink, swagness overload XD)

Serious mou?

Unknown posture lol.

Love and... doubt?

南无阿弥陀佛,善哉善哉... XD


感想 will be written at prom night to make a whole conclusion for this post and the post of prom night as overall.
Okay so this is the first throwback and I still have maybe two more events to write for, so stay tune!

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