Friday, April 8, 2011

Cross-Country... With The Distance Of 10 KM

8th April

OK... I know you all will know what I want to say now. Is the cross-country competition!!! This is the another competition that challenges my limitation. And the distance, is 10 KM!!! The longest distance, using run or walk, I never been done that.

With my force from the start-line, I ran until the botanical garden(actually is a slow run). I got my way into the botanical garden through the main entrance, and there's a very long, pack with colouful shirts students running in front of me. Anyway, I hate some kind of geographical land, like the hill... NO!!!! I hate that!!! Why we must climb up the hill, a steep hill?? By that time, I slowed down and walked up the hill, and I hurt my joints in my legs. I felt tired when I tried to climb up the hill. Is not simple to do it but for athletes, they are different.

Finally, I reached the top of the hill. I could smelled the aroma of trees, light taste of the leaves. Is time to rushed down the hill!!! HOORAY!!! Finally, I can "rolled" down. I ran and passed some students. But, my friends were too faraway!!! I couldn't reach it.

Huh!!! At last, I outed from the botanical garden. The rest parts of the road, I used walking because I was totally tired and exhausted. I wanted to drink water, but I forgot to bring it with me!!! I was thirsty. But I couldn't give up, there's still a long distance before reach the destination.

I walked with some motion of running to Brook Road and Jesselton Road, again... Slope!!! Why we must run to these strange and uneven road for cross-country?? OK!!! I don't mind it!!! I walked with my energies left in my body. Along the roads, I could saw a lot of houses, big big houses... Looks like Jesselton Road is a kind of area that all rich families live.

I ran down another slope again and I reached the quarry of Youth Park. Quite long but I needed to force up because the finishing point is "around the corner"!!! I walked on another short slope through a cemetery. I saw the main entrance of Youth Park, and there's a slope going down direct the main entrance of Youth Park. I ran with the help of the slope. I ran to the field and passed over the finishing line!!! Well, I was not in the 200 places but I could make sured that I was not the last one.

My sweat kept dropping from my face to the ground but is worthy, I never disappointed myself that I never stopped anytime when I was running or walking.

A prize-giving ceremony also held in the multipurpose hall at the last edge of the big field of Youth Park. About 10.40 AM, the prize-giving ceremony ended and the cross-country also stopped by the time.

I just went home but some of my friends went to Queensbay Mall by bus because the shopping complex is not faraway from Youth Park. I think they went to there for lunch and shopping only, no other purposes.

That's all for the cross-country. I think it was a exercise for me, for 10 KM, for our life...

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