Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Countdown 15 Days

15th January

Still got 15 days to go is Chinese New Year eve. :)
But this year CNY holidays could be the shortest CNY holidays ever.
Well, from 除夕 until 初五 are the holidays, but all cultures will be going on normally like past years.

So again talk about my class.
The progress of knowing new friends is still going on, cuz' this class has too many person that I didn't same class to.
But I don't even know that this class got many ppl are dramatic, means their expressions are exaggerating, talk in the way crazily, siao siao wan.
And some other friends that same class with me have much talking with me, maybe our mind-thinking are at the same level.
So, honestly, I really like this class :)

Okay it's night so I gonna sleep liao.
Just a short update nia.
Tada ;)

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