Saturday, January 1, 2011

PrEpArE cOoKiEs FOR Chinese New Year AND Cookies' Stories

9th January

Yesterday was a busy day for me and my family. We prepared the Chinese New Year's cookies!!! Count the dates, still has 24 days is the Chinese New Year!!! Don't worry about my blog, my mum allow me to blogging on Saturday and Sunday. Today, yesterday, we done 4 types of cookies. Still has 1 more type to go. These are the cookies we done today and yesterday: peanut cookies, almond cookies, ribbon biscuits and pineapple rolls. The last type is the Nestum cookies.

This is not the cooking blog, I can't give you the whole recipes of the cookies. Maybe you can find the another blog. Let's us talk about cookies:

Cookies are most commonly baked until crisp or just long enough that they remain soft, but some kinds of cookies are not baked at all. Cookies are made in a wide variety of styles, using an array of ingredients including sugars, spices, chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts or dried fruits. The softness of the cookie may depend on how long it is baked.
A general theory of cookies may be formulated this way. Despite its descent from cakes and other sweetened breads, the cookie in almost all its forms has abandoned water as a medium for cohesion. Water in cakes serves to make the base (in the case of cakes called "batter") as thin as possible, which allows the bubbles – responsible for a cake's fluffiness – to form better. In the cookie, the agent of cohesion has become some form of oil. Oils, whether they be in the form of butter, egg yolks, vegetable oils or lard are much more viscous than water and evaporate freely at a much higher temperature than water. Thus a cake made with butter or eggs instead of water is far denser after removal from the oven.
Oils in baked cakes do not behave as soda in the finished result. Rather than evaporating and thickening the mixture, they remain, saturating the bubbles of escaped gases from what little water there might have been in the eggs, if added, and the carbon dioxide released by heating the baking powder. This saturation produces the most texturally attractive feature of the cookie, and indeed all fried foods: crispness saturated with a moisture (namely oil) that does not sink into it.
Flour and eggs are the main ingredients of making cookies. Most of the bakery shops will sold these two things, commonly.
Baking can be fun too. Try it at home at sign up for cooking class. You will fell the joy and happiness of baking.

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