Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ben Choong... You Are Special FOR Me!!! o( ^.^)o

19th February

Too happy because I felt very happy to have a good year but also excited to go to school to meet my friends. Talk about friends, I met a friend, he's special to me. Well, maybe I am affinity with him, he's a best guy that I never met(Don't mind it Ben, can I say friend??). Okay!!! His full name will be written at the bottom of the diary(don't just simply scroll down, look the diary first, OK??), I start saying his description.

He study in same school with me and also same class this year. Last year he study in the first class and he's a monitor, now he's also a monitor. Oh dear!!! Should I use English language to talk to him?? Sad, my English language is bad, help me!!! Fortunately, he also says Chinese language. Okey!!! I admit now, say more English more than Chinese, it's looks like a chance for me to study well my English.

His friends, totally me and others in my class. Sigh!!! Looks like he's more cooperate with Feng Nian and Hui Kai, totally and absolutely YES!!! Talk more about him, can be using the English Oral Test, Class Tests & Exams.

Damn it, so crazy, please!!! Everyone laugh including our teacher...... Oh well, I think he's getting full marks. Maybe I should done something better than him, but it is tough. How about the class tests?? Totally challenging, my Maths class tests always lose him, SAD!! The first time I only get 21 marks (Full marks is 30), but he get full marks. Okey!!! Second time, more worse, 12 marks!!! He's get 25 marks!!! NO WAY!!! He makes me more furious and spiritual!!! The third time class test happened today. Marks, I can sure that I can get 27 marks. But the questions are easy, so I can guarantee that he gets full marks again. For the fourth time class test, I must win him. I must 'win-win'!!!

Back to main point, English Oral Test!!! The theme is promote an item or more. He promoted 2 cosmetic items, they are F-14 (Not the jet but merely a water with a dot of yellow food colouring!!!) and B-Tone(Not the music web but just a plain flour!!!) OMG!!! He's too crazy, I expected the unexpected thing!!! I want to complain to him as the oral test is too crazy, should he done like that for full marks?? Three mahjong sheets drawn by him, all about the cosmetic items but some of them is too far from my mind. One of the sheets is about... Facebook?? And, he compare it with the F-14's... Molecules' connections?? NO WAY!!! Facebook is not molecules' connections!!! Do you get the picture?? First, I thought that the F-14 is cooking oil, but I see it, how come is watery but not semi-thick. Then, he drank it all, ALL!!! My mind said:"Hey!!! Are you crazy?? This is cooking oil, not plain water,why you drink it all?? Don't you know that cooking is full with cholesterol and fat?? Are you want to become like me??" Next, is the B-Tone, this more crazier than the presentation of promoting F-14!!! He requested a box of water, after the theory, he performed again!!! He took off his spectacles, then the most craziest moment reached...


You know this sound, YES!!! Is water!!! he splashed his face with water!!! And then.....


This sound can describe as the craziest and the funniest sound, because......


I want to cry, plaese!!! His face full with flour, and the floor... is watery and floury. He washed his face at outside of the class, there's a pipe for everyone to wash hands, water the flowers... But he wash face. He wiped his face with handkerchief and the laughing minutes passed, so fast!!! How about Feng Nian's oral test, he's helped him, too!!!


You get the picture?? Yeah, Feng Nian promote a... modern thing, I forget. If you buy that "thing", you will get the free... love tester!!! My mind said again:"Are you sure is a love tester??just a toilet paper roll with a white paper cover over it and paste a heart shape red paper on it!!!" The first dialog is "peep"-ing to a happy girl, just imagine.


Imagine again, what's the picture?? YES!!! This dialog "peep"-ing to a sad girl.

Then, Feng Nian asked:" Is there any girl here??" And everyone said:"Teacher!!! Teacher!!!"


What's on earth are he saying?? How can he knows that teacher is occupied??!!! Those dialog are not Feng Nian's said, but the one who promoted the cosmetic things(Think back forwards).

END!!! The Oral Test of his presentation just like HYPER-TNT!!! Blasted our stomach, because we kept laughing!!!

I so lucky to meet him, maybe for a year. I need to find more chance to know more about him. Thanks Benjamin Choong!!! You gave me a lot of unexpected surprises. I will never forget you, a Best Friend Forever!!! This is his blog,

Next chapter I will talk about exams, is around the corner!!! I start preparing...

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