Monday, February 21, 2011

Quick & Latest News: The Result OF Third Maths Class Test AND The NEW English Oral Test

21th February

Probably I will ignoring my said words "I will not blogging anymore because of exams" at the last post because I want to share a quick and latest news.

News 1: The Result Of Third Maths Class Test

Today I get 26 in this time... HOORAY!!! And also Benjamin Choong also get same mark as me, sorry about the last post is wrong. I will continuing "fight" the marks between me and him. I will try my best to get full marks!!! I can do it!!!

News 2: The New English Oral Test

NO! Oral test again. Now, the theme is debating, I will try my best!!! The titles will be given next week.

Bye!!! I will do my best in the exams!!!

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