Sunday, March 8, 2015

Miss Out

8th March

Sorry paiseh nya my Internet for the past few days sot sot dy, so that's why I can't online for much time.
Moreover, I went to Cameron Highlands for 3 days, so I missed a lot of news feeds lol.
But whatever go enjoy is more important right!? Spending too much time online not that really good pun.
Okay the post to Cameron Highlands maybe published tomorrow, depend on my laziness xP

So, what's up? SPM results? Evidence?
Well I'm not sure should be posted at here or not, cuz' there're maybe some "haters" will say badass or what, so I rather keep it better lah.
Haha cuz' I think I better take Form 6 lah, so everything gonna start from zero again, I think this is 人生另一个阶段的开始 bah.
But anyway things keep changing time to time, so I haven't make a strong decision yet.

Oh and of cuz', 3/3 is the actual day where everyone is really separate from each other, somehow that would be the last goodbye, as we are really really hard to meet together in future.
Haizz... 一切都听天由命, 我们后会有期吧!!!
Thanks for being part of my life, I'm sure that these memories will be lasted forever :)

Alright just an update post only.
Bye! ;)

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