5th January
(Source: www.seekingjohn1010.wordpress.com)
As what exact the title had been told, this is the 500th blog post of my blog!!!
Yupe, and this is also the first blog post of 2017 too!!!
Hmm... Couldn't believe that there have been 500 posts in this blog already and hope that this is a really good start for a new year in 2017.
Ya even though new year was 5 days ago but at least I'm still able to take out some time to blog lol.
Follow the tradition of my blog, I will always come up a review post for the year before when a new year comes.
So, as same as this year too, let's review 2016 for the best moments in 2016.
However, there wasn't more than 50 posts published in 2016 due to lack of time, so I had only about 10 top moments only compared to 15.
Btw, ranking is not available.
Okay back to the celebration of 500th post.
Well I don't have an exact plan to celebrate for this post, but as simple as possible, today I would like to introduce an apps known as Bitmoji.
Yupe, sounds like you can found it on Snapchat too, where you can edit and create your own avatar and your own personal emoji for variety of usages.
I did one recently and this is mine haha.

Well actually I had this, the same avatar in my Snapchat just there aren't much selection of outfits on PC, so I just simply took a different one.
Hmm... well guess what I made this, with 70% following feature on myself, especially the glasses, except for body size and hairstyle lol I can't find the one which has bangs as that is for female only.
Anyway, surprisingly, the amount of emoji is unexpectedly booming, and consists of differnt kind of emotions and feels which sometimes, make yourself might say "Wow, this is how I feel right now!"
Indeed, this is currently my favourite apps and I'm really want to introduce to you all, even though you don't have a Snapchat account but don't worry, you can still download it at Chrome, and use it on almost every website.
Alright, it's almost the end of the post.
Fyi currently, I back to the tuition centre I went before again, after I finished SPM, to be daycare + tuition teacher again hahaha XD
Click here for the post that I mentioned about the job after SPM, and know I'm back to be temporarily Mr. Leong again lol.
Click here for the post that I mentioned about the job after SPM, and know I'm back to be temporarily Mr. Leong again lol.
I'm doing full-day and no longer half-day anymore, and pretty sure I don't need any interview since I had knew the teachers there very well already.
Well, that is a quite lucky one, back to the same old place with known environment, yet somehow, lots of changes in people, I would talk about more next time.
That's the end of the 500th post.
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