Friday, March 25, 2011

Finally... Inspiration AND Dedication Both WIN!!!

26th March

Look the title and you will know what I'm saying in this post. Yes, I already done well in my exam!!! So happy!!! This is my first time get the highest marks in my whole academic results and performances.

Okey!! I already tried my best to fight my friends off. But, is still far away from the excellent-results friend as I can't reach there so far away as everyone must have their own limitations. But I can't believe myself I can go so far as I already done for the test as originally.

I prepared for the exam quite early but I can't remember some of the texts and theories. I use my force and memories to guess the answers. Some correct, some wrong... So, I hope I can read the texts and theories carefully so that I will not guess for the answers again. You know that will waste our time instead our forces in our mind.

Guessing for answers could be good or bad for someone, but if guessing all the answers wrongly, we will loss our marks. But slightly good to guess for answers as if we blank the answer, we will given no marks for us. Guessing the answers correctly would be the lucky one although it is not a best method to face the exam.

I must do my best in the second test, that is, fall in mid-May. Now, I already in 10th place, I'm in 7th place. "Not bad!!!" I glad myself. I must try more hard than usually. Inspiration and dedication always become the very important way to face exam. And then, we will know who will win.

Yes, inspiration and dedication both win!!! HOORAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are important motivating factors to get a good grade. But the thing that really helped me the most in taking exams was understanding the lessons. Memorizing facts won't really help, as they're the things that you often forget in the long run.
