Saturday, June 6, 2015


6th June
Found at (edited)

Okay before the main topic, just an recap for the previous event, which is the Heritage Hunt test play.
Yup I'm one of the helpers, so that day we were just testing the station games and give some ideas and responds, like that only.
But anyway it's quite fun pun not really that boring la, like that I can relax mah hehe.
So the meeting changed to Monday dy, by then we could know who will be duty for the station games.

And now here's the main thing...
Seriously this morning I'm not sure why that Chun Jing added me into the KMK 2015/2016 Group. (KMK means Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah)
So I asked him and he said that I am in the list of second batch...
That time I was like "WTF!? Are you serious!? I didn't do rayuan how come I will get a place there!?!?"
Later I go check the webpage and really, I'm in the second batch for KMK 2015/2016!!!

Walaoeh didn't do rayuan also can get a place? The system spoilt dy gua haha.
However, I decided not to go lah cuz' I already 定下心了, I won't change my decision then, so I continue F6.
Moreover I already bought the books yet if I go Matriks reli waste dy la, and also 我好不容易占上一个位子, really dunwan go le.
出尔反尔的, I really dun have the interest to go Matriks dy, even though my friends keep persuading me to go.
眼光要放得远些啦, I still nid more time to think what should I study in future pun, if got chance still can go overseas leh.
Indeed, F6 is harder than Matriks, but somehow I love my hometown so much and my friends here too.



  1. No matter what your choice is. As a friend still wishing you all the best in the future! Good luck !

    1. Wow thanks haha! Wish you good luck too! :)
