Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Force / Area

8th July
Found on (edited)

Now I think everyone had felt the (force / area) now omaigosh...
Yup if you learnt physics (force / area) = pressure.
So get what I mean??

Anyway, fyi the trial for STPM term 1 is from 5-8 October!!!
WTF it's just 3 months more!!! X_X
Shit there's still so many chapters to go through and the time now is crucial for preparing STPM Term 1!!!

Bohguai I asked my seniors about STPM, and they said that normally we won't have much times to relax, or should not be relax every time cuz' there's really no time for that.
Not like SPM really, this time life is just getting more shitty dy!!!
So much homework and more projects are waiting us to complete!!!
WTH  is this kind of life OMG!?!?

Well, allow me to express my (force / area) now, or else I will be crazy then.
At least I won't do stupid things will enough.

Okay just a random expressing post only, you probably could just ignore it.

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