Thursday, October 15, 2015


15th October

Oh yeah!!! It's the end of STPM Sem 1 trial!!!
Okay what then? We totally spent about 5 months of lessons for just merely 9 hours of test dafuq...!?
Studied so many things and yet just part of subtopics came out, yet the questions are really really high standard and difficult too...
Erhem.. How? Let me describe one by one lah.

First day tested Chemistry and MUET Paper 4 (Writing). 
For me I thought Chem would be hard since I'm not really understand some of the topics yet manatau the questions asked are straightforward and the marks allocated are so damn easily to obtain, like just sketch a simple PV/RT graph correctly you will get 5 marks!
Until now I'm still hate answering questions asked about explanations lol, yet most of the questions are more towards calculations, so far it's okay lah, this paper can pass wan.
MUET Writing is still not my favourite thing, moreover the essay is not really easy to be written, well I dun care about that title dy lol.

The second day, kind of really tormenting day, with Physics and PA!!!
I thought I had confidence to answer Physics well but then the questions are so damn difficult and so less time to answer. Somehow, I still don't even know the concepts, concepts, concepts...
Rather than a topic for a question, it subdivided which included 3-4 topics as a question!
Damn! You would know that it will take a long time to think and write the tedious step to find the answers... Oh this I'm gonna admit, I will be very pleased if I pass...
PA is also not really okay, like moral, write 2 essays, but 15 obj. questions and 4 subjective questions.
Initially, I focused on the first 2 sections but realise that those only consists 30/80 marks, but 2 essays max 50 marks (25 marks per essay).
Then I shifted my focus on essays and managed to look through the texts, yet I can't believe the questions asked are the detailed parts which most of us would not study lol.
So this time I pray hard for my essays have high marks bah. xP

The last day, which is today, tested MM and MUET Paper 3 (Reading).
Yesterday is holiday right? So, I used that plenty of time to study... at KFC lol, with Jenny, Victor and Q. Jia Kai, that's another story I won't talk about that lah.
Since my favourite subject is MM so I think it would be no problem for me, yet there're some twisted questions, mainly like "Deduce...", I would have problem... Oh well if it's okay I hope I can get at least B or A-, getting grade A is nearly impossible le xP.
MUET Reading is actually easy, given 6 articles and answer 45 questions, like comprehension, so I think it would be okay for everyone.
Today, we tested 6 articles, easily understand yet high-standard too, really different from the questions done in modules.

Urghh!! Tomorrow most of the teachers had finished marking our papers, especially Physics and Chemistry!!!
Oh damn I don't even know how is the result, just prepare for the worst...... >_<

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