Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Sudden Storm AND A Beautiful Morning

29th March

Again, I told you that the title quite considered to our life. This is not a essay but this is what I seen yesterday and this morning. True fact must be written realistic incident.

I live in a apartment, about 14 floors. I live there about middle of it. Is 9.00PM that night. I switched on my computer and sat quietly on the chair waiting the screen opened. Then, I heard something strange out there. "Growowoo......" I kept waiting for the screen. My mom called me out to take in the want-to-dry things into the living room.

I looked at the sky and I saw darkish sky with some light red and permanent white clouds flew over the mountains and the residential houses. The strong wind from North and South blew of through the opening doors and windows, causing the doors slammed and created a boisterous sound. "Pang!!!" Because every single unit of door are made of hard wood, so when it slammed, it created a predictably loud sound.

I quickly ran into my room and what I can heard is, the sound of wind. "Whoooooo......" There must be some holes between the sliding windows. The windows shook. Outside, is a storm. With the light from the lamp poles, leaves on the trees shook strongly. With the addition of the mountains at the two sides of this zone (Paya Terubong), more strong and grim wing blew of.

"Piak... Piang... Pom..." Something outside the path fell down: Pots, unstable broken chair, a flying paper from nowhere and many more. The wind is too cold and the rain fell. The downpour too strong with the wind. This is a sudden storm.

No one know it. No one can fight off it...

I hooped into my bed and slept. The storm intimidated me. I closed my eyes and slept unexpectedly.

Today, 8.00 AM, I woke up. I looked through the windows. Good scene... This is a beautiful morning.

This incident enlightening me. That is, everything we are facing just like the storm, need to solve it. Solving problems in our life depend our mind and solution. Problems solved, the situation will be the beautiful morning. Everything can be turn from bad into good. The taste to get good results is the best taste ever in our life, in the world, or even in the universe.

Nothing will fight off us!!! Let's us keep going to fight off the toughs in our life!!!

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