Friday, April 1, 2011

My Birthday ------ Their Last Day Of Training Camp

1st April

Well, I know today is April Fool but I won't talk about that thing. OK?? Just concentrate, focus to the title. Yes, today is not my birthday. That would be happened at the holidays of March. How about the words "Their Last Day Of Training Camp"?? That's what I want to tell you all now. The title, quite consider to our life, the utmost advice for me, and everyone.

You know, band is a group that beat the drums, blowing the trumpet, saxophone, flute, and many more organ instruments that used in parade, ceremony and others graduating and happy hours. All songs are in English, some of them can be sing but some cannot. This is the real incident when I saw a lot of photos posted by my friends in the "Facebook".

By that time, I was training myself to ride the bicycle around the residential area. But they, were training in a music room, tight but it is comfortable as the air conditioning kept giving out the fresh and cold breezes to them. They so practiced in a good mood.

Well, there's one thing I never know that, is, the members of band must do bumping before the training. This is real incident, not fake, 100% true fact!!! I don't know they did it for what, but I think is a very good start for them to maintain themselves so that they will never dizzy or tired while they were practicing.

Actually, I never learned riding bicycle. By that time, is my birthday. Torment!!! I didn't know how to lift up my two unbalance-and-keep-shaking legs on the bicycle steps. I fell off sometimes. But, I tried hard. With my powerful want-to-train-perfectly-and-riding-without-falling mind, I lifted up my two legs bravely on the bicycle steps quickly. I pushed my force and speed, rode the bicycle full with body balance. The time I rode the bicycle around the residential area, I learned how to ride the bicycle!!!

I know they were still practicing that time. I keep looking the photos, and, they also took a rest for a while.

But, they played games by that time. Is blurry for me to know that what were they playing during the rest. I can saw in the photos, is, a bucket of balloons filled with water, cups and red beans arranged in some groups. But, I don't know what is that game. But, I think is fun. But I can't taste it.

That day was my birthday: Incident happened around that day.

I rode the bicycle, firstly I tormented, at last I felt happy as I learned how to ride bicycle. That day was the last day of the training camp for the band's members. They played games, they practiced in a tight room, they rested for a while only. But, totally enlightened that day. Without cakes, without candles, without party, without feast... That day was my birthday, without all common elements, but quite special that day, with the advise, about the hard works of the band's members, at the last day of the training camp...

So, the conclusion for this incident, I received an advise: Birthday, not about you are the biggest one, but telling you all that there's someone don't know it. They are not as clever as your family who always remember your birthday. You must give yourself a hard work while they are busying. This is the most balance situation.

The title of next chapter quite special, maybe I will post it tomorrow.


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