Thursday, April 14, 2011

April ----- A Month For Me, To Test On Debate And Forum

14th April

Oh Dear!!! What is the month?? So busy!!! Make my mouth can't stop opening, lips move up and down, tongue keep rolling, teeth touch to the wall of mouth, salivary gland keep secreting saliva to my dry lips...

Phew!!!... Looks like this is the month for me to talk out. Well, I'm quite a silent boy. Less talk, but can't speak out properly... Actually, when I talk with my friends, I must always smile, with teeth come out. Then, I can talk. Well, ask someone that would be familiar to me. They knew, they saw, they learned, or even heard it. Maybe, I was "famous" for my smile, laugh and the big two rabbit-like teeth. Not too sharp, but not too long, just like a medium, squarish quadrilateral; not parallelogram, not trapezium, not rhombus, not rectangle, but just square only.

Now, I just drop into the teeth part. Going into the main title... Well, apparently, I'm busying for my oral test!!! Ya, for debate and forum!!!

For this post, I already mention about the second oral test is for debating. Friday, would be my turn.

Talk about forum... this is not in English, but for Bahasa Malaysia!!! Wednesday, that would be 13th April. I pass over it. But, what was the problem is, the script for me is too short!!! And the whole theories of forum are too less. When students ask about questions, I been chosen to answer a medical knowledge question.

All language for the dialog are in Bahasa Malaysia:

Ooi Inn Jia:"Doktor Leong, bolehkah doktor berikan nama penuh bagi penyakit HIV??"


Oh Well, fortunately, I read an essay before about HIV, and also do the practice for the rational cloze. If my memory served me right, the answer is...

Me:"Nama penuh bagi penyakit HIV ialah Human Immunodeficiency Virus."

HOORAY!!!!! CORRECT!!!!! That was the first knowledge for me to identify what is HIV. The first step for me to become a doctor, or a pharmacist.

FINISH!!! The forum finished in a wink of an eye, for my group only. There are a lot of group haven't done yet. So, I wish them good luck. Or, I will ask about some simple questions for them.

Success, for everyone, must be done...

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