Wednesday, September 2, 2015


2nd September

Omaigosh around these months it's kind of torture for me...
Well if you know what am I saying then please look around the environment.
Damn it's hazy until I can't really tahan, the clearness are so little that I barely can see the flats opposite me, even the hills.

Even though I'm rarely out for these days but this Saturday still have that Sports Carnival, I'm not sure how long can I stand lol.
The weather is so hazy I dunwan get sinusitis lol.
Now I just hope that it would rain, but at the right time of cuz'.

Other than that, today is also the day for Maths(T) test.
Haizz... The questions can be said not very hard but somehow the solutions need to think for a long time before I can write down.
I only black the last questions as I don't really understand what is the question asking lol.
But according to what my Physics teacher said, if you had written down the correct formula, you will at least get 1 mark.
Haha I still got some concept for that question so I just write the formula if necessary, if still got marks is okay lo.

I'm not sure what to talk about anymore, probably the update for Sports Carnival.
That's all, bye!

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